Monday, February 15, 2010

60 days of GYM (day 15)

Ok, so I've still been going to the gym, I made it there another 3 times last week. I'm really loving the atmosphere at Sporting Wheelies Gym. In the past I've never really been into going to the gym but everyone is so friendly and non-competitive. I've even lost a kilo.

In other news, my life is going gang busters (in the best way), which means I'm working even more. The Doo Mobile deal is going swimmingly and I'm confident that my work is really going to pay off. We also got some great advice on how to take the Doo Phone to market. I've never been in this position and am not really sure how to feel about it all, I'm super excited but also pretty stressed out at the same time.

Then I get an email about another project I'm really passionate about but it's a little bit secret squirrel at the moment, so I'll tell more about it in about a month once I know how it goes.

I had really better get back to work, so many things to do.

I don't think I'm going to twitter about this post (it's not that exciting) but I'm posting it for the sake of #GAS.

If we've never met before feel free to contact me on twitter @rhyscooper

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